Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Trail of Broken Hearts, The Byfields are disappointed...

Dear old Ted Byfield cranks out on Harper for being unprincipled in his February 11 emmission on the WorldNetDaily News. He writes very much the same article for the Calgary Sun on February 12.

Imagine that! Unprincipled Tories who say one thing to get power, than do another once they have it?

And a Byfield recycling their own news- heaven forbid.

Ted is particularly upset that Michael Fortier was appointed to the Senate after Harper had solemnly declared that he would only appoint elected Senators.

However, I am assured that Byfield Senior's outrage has nothing to do with the fact that his son, Link Byfield, is already Senator-elect awaiting appointment from Alberta.

Junior Byfield , was saddened to find out that Harper "had actually broken his promise on day one."

But Little Byfield is now concering himself with other things, like ensuring that his Senate nomination remains in place until Stephen can appoint him. He makes quite an interesting argument for this here.

Somewhere, KD Lang is singing for these boys, Trail of Broken Hearts...

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