Monday, February 06, 2006

Hey... that looks like David Emerson...

...are the words that ran from the open mouths of BC liberals about an hour ago...


What can you say?

Well, a few things can be said.

To start, hat's off to the Tories for keeping a lid on this one. Some rumours had danced about the lower mainland, but all thoroughly squelched until today.

Second: What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. The Libs got Stronach, and they got Brison, why can't the Tories take Emerson?

Brison and Stronach crossed the floor because they were fundamtentally concerned about Harper's socially conservative views, and the impact that might have on the country.

Emerson has crossed the floor because he's fundamentally concerned about... sitting in opposition?

Stronach was described as some one who "whored herself out for power" by RonAbbott, an Alberta Conservative.

Furthermore, current conservative caucus luminary, Maurice Vellacott (who was not promoted to cabinet) said "...people prostitute themselves for different costs or different prices..." in reference to Stronach's choice to join the Liberals.

I wonder what Maurice will have to say about this?

For all their moral outrage over defections from their own ranks, the Tories seem to be rubbing their hands together on this one.

I really hope that no one taped the telephone conversation between Harper and Emerson.

I mean, you wouldn't want a new Prime Minister making an offer an opposition member to cross the floor. But it was good to see Stephen Harper was able to find the time to talk to David, because Harper is a busy man.

Too busy to talk to the Ethics Commissioner in an investigation about offers being made to Members of Parliament to entice them to cross the floor....

After this, and this, and this and this, am I the only one who sees a pattern of saying one thing, then doing another?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bread crumbs are leading to a shadowy figure, driving a mini-van... Maybe its the cynic in me, but Harper is setting a low standard on his opening day, just as he did on the campaign. Maybe he has another defection up his sleeve, but don't worry, he only plans to do it until his ethical platform kicks in. Fortier, Emerson both had the chance to run in the election under the Tory banner but both believed it would be a non-starter. Fortier was happy being Stevie's bagman in Quebec, while Emerson proved his lap-dog loyalty was good for only one spin of the wheel. Integrity and politics just don't mix, but I must say Harper is trying too hard to make this look like 'not politics as normal.' Who are you kidding? Why don't more candidates just come out and say 'If elected I'll only serve with the winning team, and in cabinet.' It would make all our decisions that much easier.