Monday, February 06, 2006

Gomery: Final thoughts, final fantasy.

The second Gomery report reads like a Grisham sequel. Not as much fun as the first one, and unsatisfying in way that you wonder how much the used bookstore will give you for it before you get to the last chapter.

It ranges far and wide, but there doesn't seem to be a focus. There is no moment where the reader says, "Ah, there's the problem."

I never really get the sense that Gomery understands how the government, the political cadre and the civil service actually work.

The fact is that the rules were there.

And they were broken.

Making more rules won't change that. Bad people do bad things. They need to be rooted out, and removed.

End of story.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If any of this really interests you, Donald Savoie has written a book called Governing from the Centre. It is possibly the most somniferous tome I have ever read from cover-to-cover, but also possibly the best book on how government really works.

It describes in painful detail exactly how Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers go about their business. its getting a bit dated now, but it a must read for anyone who gets into this sort of stuff.

And it didn't cost the taxpayer $80M....

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