Saturday, January 14, 2006

The legend of Bob Rae....

... A long time ago, in a province faraway, around 9 million people went to sleep one night, really, really, really ticked off with David Peterson and his Liberal friends.

They were angry because David had called an election too early, and was judged an Arrogant Liberal, who needed to be spanked.

And spanked hard.

Not spanked with-a-featherduster-and-your-wife-dressed-up-in-garters-spanked.

I mean spanked like your dad used to spank you.

Spanking like an Art Hanger wet dream.

And so, all 9 million of us went to bed on September 5th 1990, and lay there thinking, "Aw shucks, what damage can he really do? I mean hell, no one else going to vote for him... he might form a minority... I'm just going to spank those arrogant Liberals, give'em a good scare..."

Well, we spanked David Peterson. Yes, the same David Peterson who hangs around Paul Martin's Liberals like the Albatross in Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.

But you know, after four years of Bob Rae and eight years of Mike Harris and the Dollars and Cents revolution... um, I'm not really sure we spanked the Liberals.

I think we might have spanked ourselves.

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