Friday, January 27, 2006

Brian is back

Interesting to see the old Mulroney gang back at the helm in this morning's Grope and Flail.

If anyone knows where the bodies are buried, it's these boys and girls. But it will make life difficult for the New-and-Improved-Conservatives.

Yes, they can have some fun with people like Guite, and his actions under the sponsorship program. But who hired him?

Yes, they can have some fun about the advertising contracts under the old OBS. But then some one might ask how were those contracts let under the Mulroney regime?

Well, the answer would be that Advertising Management Group handled that.

Oh, what was the AMG you ask? Uh, well, it was Minister Lowell Murray and some other ministers, and uhm, some staffers, well they... uh... decided who got what... then Minister Elmer McKay of PWGSC let the contracts...

I wonder if Senator LeBreton will be back in the appointments game?

Another defining characteristic of the Mulroney years were the huge ministerial offices. In some departments, much of the senior civil service positions were replicated in the political staff who worked as minders. The rational was that the civil service and judiciary were sooooo liberal, that they couldn't be trusted.... I've heard that recently...

Welcome back Brian. We missed you. Really, we did miss you.

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