Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Zucchinis, Afghanisation and starvation

This morning's CBC Ottawa news ran a story on a group urging Canadians to send zucchini's to Gordon O'Connor. You can read about the campaign at Verbena-19's blog

I was intrigued.

I remember when Gordo's gun-nutter colleagues sent bits of guns to MP's on the hill in protest of the gun registry (not so worried about security on that day...)

I've had a pretty slim crop this year in the backyard, but hey, postage to Hill is free...

Of course then the story continued that the reason for posting the cucurbita pepo was to protest the war in Agfghanistan, and to draw attention to the starvation that war was causing. The notion was Gordo could drop zucchinis instead of bombs.

And that's where they lost me.

Putting aside anyone's support or opposition to the war, sending perishable food through the post to protest stavation on the other side of the planet is just plain nuts.

Supposing Gordo follows through. Do we then drop rotting vegetables on a starving population?

A suggestion for the protestors:

Non-perishable food.

If you're going to make the point, go ahead and make it.

The last thing Afghans need is another mess to clean up.

1 comment:

Annamarie said...

I agree with you. Good suggestion. I guess the zucchini idea mainly was symbolic, but canned/non-perishable food makes much more sense. I'll pass along your suggestion. Thanks! :)
