Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tory Enviro Plan already sucking air....

Peter Calamai at the Star reports today that the Tories gave a quiet briefing on their upcoming enviro plan.

Smart move on their part, Calamai is the dean of MSM science reporting, but wouldn't normally touch a political story with a 10 foot pole and so they successfully avoided the Gallery once again.

Further they have successfully smoked out the arguments the Greenies will use against them, and can start to plan how to do deal with them.

(NOTE TO GREENIES: In the future, if you really want to push the agenda, don't say anything publicly until announcement day. Given the comments in the Star today, I'd say the Harperites have a good list of who they can count on to say what... if you were naughty, you're about to find out what silence sounds like....)

Surprising absent from any coverage was the... uh.... Minister of Environment, Rona Ambrose (pictured above right)

The plan will focus on air quality and linking air quality to health... In essence, the plan is big on goals, not so big on measurement... which is a good thing if you're a Conservative and you'd like to call an election this year.

No doubt the quality of the air we all breath will improve... sometime around 2050...

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