Thursday, August 10, 2006

Anne Cools unhappy with Harper's stance on the mid-east

Running on the CP wire right now

``Suffice it to say, I'm not that happy with the position that has been adopted and I remain very very concerned about the entire Middle Eastern situation,'' said Senator Anne Cools, a former Liberal senator who now sits with the Conservative Caucus.

I am not sure that this part of the PMO talking points on Lebanon, but no doubt they will deal with the Senator in a respectful fashion. Certainly without "scorn or derision"

How do I know this? Well, I believe Stephen Harper when he said:
"Senator Cools has an impressive record of public service to this country.... In the Senate, she has elevated the level of debate. In the face of scorn and derision by some, she has persisted in holding the government accountable. She has long earned my respect, and now my support, in joining the Conservative caucus in the Senate."

And I am sure that his Foreign Minister, Peter McKay will be equally interested in her views, and still turn to her for advice, as Peter once said:
Senator Cools is a person of deep spiritual conviction and a valued friend. Her office is open to those who value honesty and debate, and it has certainly been open to me when I have needed advice and guidance. It would be impossible for her to rise any further in my esteem."

No doubt, after today it will indeed be impossible to rise any further in the esteem of her conservative colleagues.

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