Friday, June 16, 2006

Harper calls Canadians ‘Naïve”

Or so said our fearless leader on the program “Coulisses du pouvoir” last night stating,

«Je pense que beaucoup de monde au Canada est naïf, c'est vrai... La réalité, c'est que la menace terroriste est une menace mondiale et on ne peut pas y échapper en fermant les yeux.»

Or: “I think many Canadians are naïve. The reality is that the terrorist threat is a global threat, and we can’t avoid it by closing our eyes.”

Well, gee whiz willickers, thank be to heaven we have Big Daddy Harper to warn us all and keep us safe.

Calling Canadians naïve - there is a master politician. First insult your citizens, then spout a platitude.

You know, I think Harper has weird eyes, and looks like his mother dresses him, but I don’t run around saying that in front of a TV camera.

But what exactly should we all be doing to show Stephen we aren’t naïve?

Maybe I could put a guard hut at the end of my driveway?

Maybe I could snitch on my neighbours?

Mybe I could set up a neighbourhood terrorist watch group in my community?

Stephen, if you want us to take this situation seriously, start dealing with Canadians seriously, and stop patronizing us.

Anything else would be… well… naïve.

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