Monday, March 20, 2006

Shapiro clears Emerson, Harper, and Richard Nixon

Ethics commissioner Bernard Shapiro said he would look into what influence Harper wielded to convince former Liberal cabinet minister David Emerson to cross the House of Commons floor.

And what did you expect? What a sham.

I am loath to believe an individual whose decision-making ability has been questioned, moreover who has been found in contempt of the House.

This Conservative-approved appointee's actions have strengthened my resolve to work towards a truly non-partisan ethics commissioner, who is accountable to Parliament.

I guess we won't be hearing those kind of words from Harper today....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You know, it's not like some people didn't suggest this what was going to happen....

Ah, Stephen, it didn't have to be like this.

You could have had what some people call 'credible exhonoration,' but oh no, you had to do this... and publicly knee-cap the guy who could have made this go away...

Whooops. Too bad.

Darn those Principles of Convenience...

1 comment:

Silverwinger said...

As I gaze into my crystal ball, things are hazy, hazy hazy, wait it is starting to appear. B B B Belinda is coming into focus, hazy, hazy, hazy, another shadow appears, it is Shapiro. Shapiro is making a ruling, Belinda is cl, cl, cl, cl, clear of any wrong doing. Whew, must rest now, crystal ball gazing takes a lot out of me.